About Us

The employees of the German Seamen's Mission are permanent contact persons for seafarers in the ports of Lübeck - be it during conversation on board, or when a visit to the Seamen's Club.

Our mission statement

"Support of seafarers' dignity" is our motto. our motto. We stand up for the dignity dignity of seafarers - regardless regardless of religion, nationality nationality and skin color.

Our History

The German Seamen's Mission in Lübeck was founded in 1906. Since then, the employees have accompanied thousands of seafarers from all over the world and their families.

On-board support

It means a lot to seafarers from all over the world: a visit from the German Seamen's Mission in Lübeck. Many seafarers do not have time to disembark. go. So it's good when someone drops by for a chat comes by for a chat, asks how things are going and sometimes practical help.

Our work

Meeting place for seafarers
Maritime open-air church service
Jedes Jahr am 25. Juni ist der „Day of the Seafarer"
International Day of Seafarers

Donate & Help

Thank you for supporting the work of the Seemannsmission Lübeck e. V. with a donation.
You can find out how here:

“I support the Seamen’s Mission in Lübeck because the port is a big whole. Without seafarers, world trade would not work. The Seamen’s Mission does important work here.”

Holger Lehmann, Shipowner in Lübeck

“As a captain who is responsible for so many technical things, it is good to have someone who looks after the souls of the seafarers with the German Seamen’s Mission in Lübeck. To have someone who looks after the souls of the sailors.”

Jan Knip, Captain Bore Sea

“The help you give us is very important to us”

Roy, sailor from the Philippines

The Seamen's Mission on Instagram