Become a member now
"As an association, we need your creativity, your experience and your support.
Become a part of the German Seamen's Mission in Lübeck now."

Application for membership
I would like to support the work of the German Seamen’s Mission in Lübeck e. V., Seelandstraße 15 / Lehmannkai 2, 23569 Lübeck, and become a member. I am aware that the annual membership fee is currently 15.00 euros and that this must be paid in the first quarter of the financial year. The statutes will be sent to me by the association. I confirm that the following information is correct. The Seamen’s Mission assures me that all my details will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties. If you would like to have your membership fee debited from your account without any problems, please click here to access the form.