Dear seafarers of all nations,

welcome on our website! We’re the seafarers club of Lübeck. Our motto is: „support of seafarers‘ dignity“ – regardless of religion and nationality. If you’re in need of any assistance, feel free to contact us: Mobil +49-172-3080560
As German Seamen‘s Mission Lübeck we offer various services:
Opening times of the Seamens‘ Club:
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday:
17:00-21:30 p.m.
For free transport:
please call
+49 (0)451/72991 or send an e-mail to
Our address:
Deutsche Seemannsmission in Lübeck e.V. Seelandstraße 15 – Lehmannkai 2 –
23569 Lübeck
Outside opening times we are also available for seafarers and will meet them at the vessel.

Outside opening times we are also available for seafarers and will meet them at the vessel.